The Benefits

Keeping your refrigeration working optimally 24/7 not only saves you money but also saves you stress. Unfortunately, like all machines, they will break down at some stage and when it does you need it back to operating levels ASAP. In addition to the time taken for mechanical repairs, refrigeration can take days to restore normal operating temperatures. Our natural filters assist the cool room to get down to preset temperatures much more quickly.

Other benefits

YES Reduction of Temperature volatility
YES Increased life span of equipment
YES Reduced defrost cycles
YES Reduced energy use
YES Increased storage life of perishables by up to 50%
YES Absorption of ethylene gas released by fruit and vegetables
YES Reduced cross contamination from air born bacteria
YES Less mould and bacteria growth on refrigeration surfaces due to elimination of most moisture
YES Reduced food shrinkage
YES OH & S advantages due to drier, cleaner and safer conditions